In most weeks, the last 10 minutes of class one day
will be a quiz taken from the homework due since the previous quiz.
Normally, the quizzes will be on Fridays,
although the first quiz will be on January 16 Wednesday.
These will be like the homework.
In fact, often the homework will be harder;
the trickiest sort of homework question won't appear on quizzes or exams.
After I return a quiz, I'll post my solutions here;
see the downloading help if you have trouble.
(If you took a Quiz early or late,
then you may have taken the one from the other section.)
- Arithmetic
- Lectures covered: January 9–14;
- Sections of the textbook: 1.2–1.4, 1.6, 5.4, 5.6;
- Date taken: January 16 Wednesday;
- My answers:
- Identities and expressions
- Lectures covered: January 16–23;
- Sections of the textbook: 1.3–1.7, 2.4&2.5, 5.1, 5.6;
- Date taken: January 25 Friday;
- My answers:
- Simplifying algebraic expressions (optional)
- Lectures covered: January 25–30;
- Sections of the textbook: 1.7, 5.1–5.4;
- Dates taken: February 4–8 (originally February 1);
- My answers:
- Equations
- Lectures covered: February 6–13
- Sections of the textbook: 2.1–2.3
- Date taken: February 15 Friday;
- My answers:
- Inequalities
- Lectures covered: February 15&18
- Sections of the textbook: 2.8, 8.6
- Date taken: February 22 Friday.
- My answers:
- Word problems, absolute-value statements, equations with many variables
- Lectures covered: February 20–27
- Sections of the textbook: 2.5–2.7, 8.7, 2.4
- Date taken: February 29 (Leap Day) Friday.
- Graphing
- Lectures covered: February 29–March 5
- Sections of the textbook: 3.2–3.6, 3.8
- Date taken: March 7 Friday.
- That's it!
Go back to the the course homepage.
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