The material for the first week is Chapter 1 of the textbook, which reviews arithmetic that you should already understand. But in case it's been a while since you did mathematics, or you never quite got the hang of fractions or negative numbers, now is the time to get that material down cold! (For now, I'll skip material on sets; we'll come back to that later.)
In all, we'll cover Chapters 1–5 from the textbook (except skipping Sections 3.7 and 4.6), as well as the last two Sections of Chapter 8. It's a lot of material for 10 weeks, so the class has to move pretty fast; please talk to me early if you need help!
On February 11 Monday, I will turn in midterm grades to the college; this is why the midterm exam is one class day earlier, on February 8 Friday. The college should have those grades available for you on February 12 Tuesday. Similarly, your final grades should be available on March 20 Thursday.
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