On most days, 15 minutes of class
will be a quiz taken from the homework assigned on the previous day.
There will be no quizzes
on exam days or on the first or last day of class,
so there will be 17 quizzes in all.
If (for any reason) we cannot hold a quiz as scheduled,
then we'll make it up on the next class day.
These will be based heavily on the homework.
For a quiz, you may use your notes,
so you may refer to your homework assignment if you did it.
However, you may not use your book or anything else not written by you.
You certainly should not talk to other people.
Calculators will usually be allowed, although you shouldn't really need them;
all of the numbers in the problems will be simple.
When I return a quiz, I'll post my solutions here;
see the downloading help
if you have trouble reading them.
(If you took a Quiz early or late,
then you may have taken a different version.)
- Review:
- Date taken: October 7 Thursday;
- Lecture covered: October 5;
- Section of the textbook: 1.2;
- Calculators: OK;
- My answers:
DejaVu format,
PDF format.
- The real numbers:
- Date taken: October 12 Tuesday;
- Lecture covered: October 7;
- Sections of the textbook: 1.3–1.5;
- Calculators: OK;
- My answers:
DejaVu format,
PDF format.
- Exponentiation and units:
- Date taken: October 14 Thursday;
- Lecture covered: October 12;
- Sections of the textbook: 1.5, 1.7, 5.4, 1.6;
- Calculators: OK;
- My answers:
DejaVu format,
PDF format.
- Order of operations, scientific notation, evaluating expressions:
- Date taken: October 19 Tuesday;
- Lecture covered: October 14;
- Sections of the textbook: 1.7, 5.6, 1.8;
- Calculators: OK;
- My answers:
DejaVu format,
PDF format.
- Polynomials:
- Date taken: October 21 Thursday;
- Lecture covered: October 19;
- Sections of the textbook: 1.8, 5.1;
- Calculators: OK;
- My answers:
DejaVu format,
PDF format.
- Multiplying polynomials and similar expressions:
- Date taken: October 26 Tuesday;
- Lecture covered: October 21;
- Sections of the textbook: 5.2, 5.4, 5.3;
- Calculators: OK;
- My answers:
DejaVu format,
PDF format.
- Word problems involving expressions:
- Date taken: October 28 Thursday;
- Lecture covered: October 26;
- Sections of the textbook: 2.5, 1.4&1.5, 5.1–5.3;
- Calculators: OK;
- My answers:
DejaVu format,
PDF format.
- Graphing formulas, testing equations:
- Date taken: November 2 Tuesday;
- Lecture covered: October 31;
- Sections of the textbook: 3.1&3.2, 2.1;
- Calculators: OK;
- My answers:
DejaVu format,
PDF format.
- Inequalities: testing, graphing, solution sets:
- Date taken: November 9 Tuesday;
- Lecture covered: November 2;
- Sections of the textbook: 2.1, 2.8, 8.6;
- Calculators: OK;
- My answers:
DejaVu format,
PDF format.
- Straightforward linear equations:
- Date taken: November 11 Thursday;
- Lecture covered: November 9;
- Sections of the textbook: 2.1&2.2;
- Calculators: OK;
- My answers:
DejaVu format,
PDF format.
- Tricky linear equations and inequalities:
- Date taken: November 16 Tuesday;
- Lecture covered: November 11;
- Sections of the textbook: 2.3, 2.8, 8.6;
- Calculators: OK;
- My answers:
DejaVu format,
PDF format.
- Word problems: direct translation:
- Date taken: November 18 Thursday;
- Lecture covered: November 16;
- Sections of the textbook: 2.1–2.3, 2.5, 2.8, 8.6;
- Calculators: OK;
- My answers:
DejaVu format,
PDF format.
- Word problems: special cases:
- Date taken: November 23 Tuesday;
- Lecture covered: November 18;
- Sections of the textbook: 2.6&2.7;
- Calculators: OK;
- My answers:
DejaVu format,
PDF format.
- Equations in two variables:
- Date taken: November 30 Tuesday;
- Lecture covered: November 23;
- Sections of the textbook: 2.4, 3.1&3.2;
- Calculators: OK;
- My answers:
DejaVu format,
PDF format.
- Lines and linear equations:
- Date taken: December 2 Thursday;
- Lecture covered: November 30;
- Sections of the textbook: 3.3–3.5;
- Calculators: OK.
- Linear inequalities, parallel and perpendicular lines:
- Date taken: December 7 Tuesday;
- Lecture covered: December 2;
- Sections of the textbook: 3.7, 3.6;
- Calculators: OK.
- Systems of linear equations:
- Date taken: December 9 Thursday;
- Lecture covered: December 7;
- Sections of the textbook: 4.1–4.3;
- Calculators: OK.
- That's it!
Go back to the the course homepage.
This web page and the files linked from it
were written between 2003 and 2010 by Toby Bartels,
last edited on 2010 December 12.
Toby reserves no legal rights to them.
Although the page has been preserved in its original form,
the files linked from it have been converted to DjVu
using Any2DjVu;
they can be viewed on almost any operating system
using DjVuLibre.
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