Attendance counts for 5% of your grade directly, but since there's homework due (or an exam) nearly every day, you really shouldn't skip class anyway. (In any case, it's harder to learn if you skip!) I will normally use the homework (or exam) to take attendance. Even if you turn in homework late, still you should turn in something with your name on it every day: a homework assignment, a quiz, an exam, or even a blank piece of paper. (On the first day of class only, I'll pass around an attendance sheet.)
If you expect to be absent, then tell me ahead of time! If you do this (even by email or voice mail on the day of class), then you'll get credit for attendance. But also, we can arrange for you to turn in homework and make up quizzes and exams; this is the real reason why I grade for attendance every day. I will normally accept late assignments, but only until I return them and post the solutions; after that, it's too late. But if you arrange things with me ahead of time, then I can plan to ensure that you don't miss out.
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