In case you miss a homework assignment in class, you can find it below.
Unless otherwise specified,
all problems
are from the 9th Edition of Algebra and Trigonometry
written by Sullivan and published by Prentice-Hall (Pearson).
When I return graded homework, I may post some solutions here too;
see the downloading help
if you have trouble reading them.
See the grading policies
for general instructions on doing homework and how it will be graded.
You can always do more homework problems!
You may need to practise the material
if you want to remember it
for the final exam,
a subsequent course, or the rest of your life.
If you bought MyMathLab access with your course textbook (or separately),
then you can find supplementary problems
through the
Moodle page.
(However, MyMathLab is not required for this section.)
Here is the assigned homework:
- Introduction and review:
- Date assigned: July 14 Tuesday.
- Date due: July 16 Thursday.
- Problems from Section 1.1 (pages 7&8):
No additional work needed: 1–8.
- Problems from the Chapter 5 Cumulative Review (pages 365&366):
- Show at least one intermediate step with both sides simplified: 6;
- Show what equation you solve: 9;
- Show what numerical calculation you make: 11;
- Show a table of values: 14;
- Show at least one intermediate step for each: 18–20.
- Extra-credit essay question:
Explain your background in mathematics
and what you are going to use this course for.
- Factoring common factors and perfect squares:
- Date assigned: July 16 Thursday.
- Date due: July 21 Tuesday.
- Pages to read in the textbook: 368–372, 395–397.
- Problems from §6.1 (pages 375&376):
No additional work needed: 27–39 odd,
47–63 odd, 81, 83, 85, 95, 97.
- Problems from §6.4 (pages 401&402):
Show at least one intermediate step or multiply/expand your answer to check:
29–37 odd, 59, 61, 83, 89, 97, 105.
- Roots (§§9.1&9.2):
- Date assigned: July 21 Tuesday.
- Date due: July 23 Thursday.
- Problems from §9.1 (page 620):
- No additional work needed: 23–32;
- Optional (using a calculator): 39–42;
- No additional work needed: 45–56;
- Show at least one intermediate step for each: 57, 59, 63, 65, 67;
- No additional work needed: 75, 76.
- Problems from §9.2 (pages 626–628):
- No additional work needed: 37–46;
- Optional (using a calculator): 47–50;
- No additional work needed: 51–58, 73–76, 93–100;
- Optional (using a calculator): 101–106;
- Show at least one intermediate step for each: 107–113 odd;
- No additional work needed: 141, 143.
- Simplifying radicals (§§9.3&9.4):
- Date assigned: July 23 Thursday.
- Date due: July 28 Tuesday.
- Problems from §9.3 (pages 632&633):
Show at least one intermediate step (for each problem):
65–71 odd, 75, 83, 85, 87.
- Problems from §9.4 (pages 641–643):
Show at least one intermediate step:
37–49 odd, 119–133 odd.
- Arithmetic on radical expressions
- Date assigned: July 28 Tuesday.
- Date due: July 30 Thursday.
- Problems from §9.5 (pages 647–649):
- No additional work needed: 21, 25;
- Show at least one intermediate step:
31, 33, 41, 53, 65, 67, 71, 75;
- Show what numerical calculation you make: 109.
- Problems from §9.6 (pages 653–655):
- Show at least one intermediate step:
13–33 odd, 37, 41, 47, 51, 61;
- Extra credit:
Show at least two intermediate steps for each part:
- Complex numbers (§9.9):
- Date assigned: July 30 Thursday.
- Date due: August 4 Tuesday.
- Problems from §9.9 (pages 678–680):
- No additional work needed: 25, 37, 43;
- Show at least one intermediate step:
47, 81, 89, 95, 103–121 odd;
- No additional work needed: 134;
- Show at least one intermediate step: 141.
- Quadratic equations (§10.1):
- Date assigned: August 4 Tuesday.
- Date due: August 6 Thursday.
- Problems from §10.1 (pages 699–701):
- No additional work needed: 19–26;
- Show at least one intermediate step: 27–33 odd;
- No additional work needed (but do both parts): 45–52;
- Show at least two intermediate steps between which you complete the square:
53–71 odd.
- The quadratic formula (§10.2):
- Date assigned: August 6 Thursday.
- Date due: August 11 Tuesday.
- Problems from §10.2 (pages 712–716):
- Show the numerical expression
that you evaluate using the quadratic formula:
23–39 odd;
- Show the numerical expression that you evaluate to find the discriminant:
- Factoring by grouping (§6.1):
- Date assigned: August 11 Tuesday.
- Date due: August 13 Thursday.
- Problems from §6.1 (pages 375&376):
Show at least one intermediate step:
71–79 odd, 89, 93, 99.
- Factoring polynomials
- Date assigned: August 13 Thursday.
- Date due: August 18 Tuesday.
- Problems from §6.2 (pages 383–385):
Show at least one intermediate step
(even if it is prime, because there is work to do to check that):
23–57 odd, 99, 101.
- Problems from §6.3 (pages 393&394):
Show at least one intermediate step
(but this does not have to be by grouping if you prefer another method):
23–45 odd, 105.
- Problems from §6.4 (pages 401&402):
Show at least one intermediate step: 39–57 odd.
- Problems from §6.5 (pages 406&407):
Show at least one intermediate step (even if it is prime):
29, 39, 47, 53, 61, 69, 81.
- Solving equations through factoring
- Date assigned: August 18 Tuesday.
- Date due: August 20 Thursday.
- Problems from §6.6 (pages 414–416):
- Show what polynomial you factor to solve each equation
and the polynomial's factored form
(except where this is already shown in the problem statement):
29, 35, 37, 45, 53, 61, 69, 71, 79, 83, 85.
- No additional work needed: 103, 104, 107.
- Show at least two intermediate steps: 109, 111.
- Fancier equations (§9.8, §10.3):
- Date assigned: August 20 Thursday.
- Date due: August 25 Tuesday.
- Problems from §9.8 (pages 667–670):
- Show at least one intermediate step (except when there is no solution):
17, 19, 23;
- Show at least two intermediate steps:
33, 39, 43, 47, 51, 55, 57, 61.
- Problems from §10.3 (pages 721–723):
- Show at least two intermediate steps: 49–59 odd;
- No additional work needed: 85.
- Solving word problems (mostly §6.7):
- Date assigned: August 25 Tuesday.
- Date due: August 27 Thursday.
- Problems from §6.7 (pages 421–423):
Show at least what equation you solve,
in addition to your final answer with units:
23–41 odd.
- Problems from §9.8 (pages 667–670):
Show at least what equation you solve, in addition to your final answer:
- Problems from §10.1 (pages 699–701):
Show at least what equation you solve,
in addition to your final answer with units:
93–101 odd.
- Rational expressions (§7.1):
- Date assigned: August 27 Thursday.
- Date due: September 1 Tuesday.
- Problems from §7.1 (pages 438&439):
- Show what numerical calculations you make: 21–27 odd;
- Show what equation you solve: 29–39 odd;
- Show at least one intermediate step after factoring but before cancelling:
41–51 odd;
- No additional work needed: 89, 90.
- Arithmetic with rational expressions
- Date assigned: September 1 Tuesday.
- Date due: September 3 Thursday.
- Problems from §7.2 (pages 445–447):
Show at least one intermediate step: 31–51 odd, 91.
- Problems from §7.3 (pages 452–454):
Show at least one intermediate step:
17, 23, 29, 31, 35, 41, 44, 49, 55, 61, 65, 73, 89, 100.
- Problems from §7.4 (pages 460&461):
- No additional work needed: 13, 17, 19;
- Show at least one intermediate step: 23, 25;
- No additional work needed: 35;
- Show at least one intermediate step: 39;
- No additional work needed: 43, 47;
- Show at least one intermediate step: 51, 53, 57, 69.
- Problems from §7.5 (pages 469–471):
Show at least two intermediate steps: 45–67 odd, 95, 102.
- Rational equations (§7.7):
- Date assigned: September 3 Thursday.
- Date due: September 8 Tuesday.
- Problems from §7.7 (pages 489–491):
Show at least two intermediate steps:
15–33 odd, 47–53 odd.
- Problems from §7.8 (pages 502–505):
Show at least one intermediate step: 19, 21, 29.
- Rational word problems (§7.8):
- Date assigned: September 8 Tuesday.
- Date due: September 10 Thursday.
- Problems from §7.8 (pages 502–505):
- No additional work needed: 41–56;
- Show at least what equation you solve,
in addition to your final answer with units:
57, 61, 67, 69, 73, 79.
- Problems from §10.2 (pages 712–716):
Show at least what equation you solve,
in addition to your final answer with units:
99, 101.
- Graphing in two variables (§8.1):
- Date assigned: September 10 Thursday.
- Date due: September 15 Tuesday.
- Extra-credit problem from §7.5 (pages 469–471):
No additional work needed: 102.
- Problems from §8.1 (pages 528–531):
- No additional work needed: 17–20;
- Show what numerical calculations you make to check: 21, 23, 25;
- Show a table of values with at least three entries,
including at least one positive value of x
and at least one negative value:
33, 39, 45, 49, 53;
- No additional work needed:
55–58, 64, 65, 66.
- Functions (§§8.3&8.4):
- Date assigned: September 15 Tuesday.
- Date due: September 17 Thursday.
- Problems from §8.3 (pages 546–549):
- No additional work needed: 25–36, 39–42, 45–52;
- Show what numerical calculation you make: 53, 57, 61, 67;
- Show what equation or inequality you solve: 75, 79.
- Problems from §8.4 (pages 555–558):
- Show a table of values with at least three entries,
including at least one positive value of x
and at least one negative value: 17, 19, 21;
- No additional work needed: 23–30.a&c, 33&34.a–e;
- Show what calculation you make or what equation you solve: 37, 39;
- No additional work necessary: 51, 52.
That's it!
We didn't get to the following material, but you can look at it if you want.
- Complex rational expressions (§7.6):
- Problems from §7.6 (pages 477–479):
Show at least enough work that I can tell which method you're using:
11, 13, 25, 27, 39–51 odd, 69.
- Quadratic functions (§§10.4&10.5):
- Problems from §10.4 (pages 734&735):
17–25 odd, 41–59 odd.
- Problems from §10.5 (pages 746–749):
15, 17, 19, 23–37 odd, 47, 51, 59,
67, 69, 77, 79, 93, 95.
That's it!
Go back to the the course homepage.
This web page was written between 2003 and 2015 by Toby Bartels,
last edited on 2015 September 16.
Toby reserves no legal rights to it.
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