If a is negative: | If a is zero: | If a is positive: |
an is negative; | an is zero; | an is positive. |
How many real solutions are there to xn = b?
If b is negative: | If b is zero: | If b is positive: |
there's one real solution, which is negative; |
there's one real solution, which is zero; |
there's one real solution, which is positive. |
Define n√b to be this solution, called the real nth root of b (or the real root of b of index n). In other words, these two statements mean the same thing when n is an odd natural number:
What is the sign of n√b?
If b is negative: | If b is zero: | If b is positive: |
n√b is negative; | n√b is zero; | n√b is positive. |
If a is negative: | If a is zero: | If a is positive: |
an is positive; | an is zero; | an is positive. |
How many real solutions are there to xn = b?
If b is negative: | If b is zero: | If b is positive: |
there's no real solution; |
there's one real solution, which is zero. |
there's two real solutions, one negative and one positive. |
Define n√b to be the non-negative solution, called the principal nth root of b (or the principal root of b of index n), if such a solution exists. In other words, these two statements mean the same thing when n is an even natural number:
What is the sign of n√b?
If b is negative: | If b is zero: | If b is positive: |
n√b is undefined (or imaginary); | n√b is zero; | n√b is positive. |
bm/n = n√bm.If b is positive, then this always exists (and is positive). If b is zero, then this is zero if m is positive and undefined if m is negative.* (Since m/n is in lowest terms, n must be positive.) If b is negative, then this is negative if m and n are both odd, positive if m is even and n is odd, and undefined (or imaginary) if m is odd and n is even. (Since m/n is in lowest terms, m and n cannot both be even.)
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