
Welcome to the permanent home page for Section HBL41 of MATH-1150 (College Algebra) at Southeast Community College in the second five-week Summer session of 2024. I am Toby Bartels, your instructor.

Course administration

Contact information

Feel free to send a message at any time, even nights and weekends (although I'll be slower to respond then).


The official textbook for the course is the 11th Edition of Algebra & Trigonometry by Sullivan published by Prentice-Hall (Pearson). You automatically get an online version of this textbook through Canvas, although you can use a print version instead if you like. This comes with access to Pearson MyLab, integrated into Canvas, on which many of the assignments appear.

Graphs and functions

  1. Review:
  2. Graphing lines:
  3. Systems of equations and inequalities:
  4. Functions:
Quiz 1, covering the material in Problem Sets 1–4, is on July 12 Friday.

Properties and types of functions

  1. Properties of functions:
  2. Applications and examples of functions:
  3. Piecewise-defined and composite functions:
  4. Inverse functions:
Quiz 2, covering the material in Problem Sets 5–8, is on July 19 Friday.

Exponential and logarithmic functions

  1. Exponential functions:
  2. Logarithmic functions:
  3. Properties of logarithms:
  4. Applications of exponents and logarithms:
Quiz 3, covering the material in Problem Sets 9–12, is on July 26 Friday.

Polynomial and rational functions

  1. Quadratic functions:
  2. Graphing polynomials:
  3. Advanced root-finding:
  4. Rational functions and inequalities:
Quiz 4, covering the material in Problem Sets 13–16, is on August 2 Friday.


  1. Graphs and functions:
  2. Properties and types of functions:
  3. Exponential and logarithmic functions:
  4. Polynomial and rational functions:

Final exam

There is a comprehensive final exam on August 1 Thursday, in our normal classroom at the normal time. To speed up grading at the end of the term, the exam is multiple choice, with no partial credit.

For the exam, you may use one sheet of notes that you wrote yourself. However, you may not use your book or anything else not written by you. You certainly should not talk to other people! Calculators are allowed (although you shouldn't really need one). but not communication devices (like cell phones).

The exam consists of questions similar in style and content to those in the practice exam (DjVu).

This web page and the files linked from it (except for the official syllabus) were written by Toby Bartels, last edited on 2024 July 29. Toby reserves no legal rights to them.

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