The formula A = Pert for continuous compound interest applies to anything that follows an exponential law of growth or decay. Outside of finance, it's more common to write A0 in place of P; more generally, you can put a subscript zero on any variable to indicate its value when t = 0 (so t0 = 0, for example). In place of using r for the interest rate, we use k for the relative growth rate, a term that can be explained using calculus. (Especially if k is negative, you can also refer to −k as the relative decay rate.) This gives this formula:
You can replace e with any other valid base (2, 10, whatever), so long as you change k to match (but then k is no longer the relative growth rate). A different choice of the base can make the correct value of k either more or less obvious. For example, if a quantity doubles in size every H years, then its size after t years is
If an object is placed in an environment at constant temperature, then it will cool down or heat up to reach the environment's temperature. This temperature will neither grow nor decay exponentially; but according to Isaac Newton's law of cooling and heating, the difference in temperature between the object and its environment will undergo exponential decay. If u is the temperature of the object and T is the temperature of its environment, then u − T is the quantity A in the general formula for exponential growth and decay, with u0 − T in place of A0:
Exponential decay is one thing, but exponential growth forever is unrealistic. In the model of logistic growth, there is a carrying capacity beyond which a population cannot grow. In this case, there is still an exponential growth, but it is the ratio of the population to the remaining capacity that grows exponentially. If P is the population and c is its carrying capacity, then P/(c − P) is the A in the general formula for exponential growth and decay, with P0/(c − P0) in place of A0:
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