
Welcome to the home page for Section ES31 of MATH-1200 (Trigonometry) at Southeast Community College in the Fall term of 2017. I am Toby Bartels, the instructor.


Here is material about the administration of the course:


If you miss an assignment, then you can find it here. Most graded work is done in class; although it can be made up outside of class, regular attendance is important.


The official textbook for the course is the 10th Edition of Algebra & Trigonometry written by Sullivan and published by Prentice-Hall (Pearson). You should be able to get this at the bookstore (in hardback, looseleaf, or online access), and most assignments will come from it. (This same book is used for MATH-1150 too, so you might want to check both shelves in the bookstore.) If you get the book with online access, you can also use MyMathLab integrated into the Moodle course; this is optional. (If you bought MyMathLab access for a previous course using this book, then you may need to see me about a free upgrade, but you shouldn't have to pay for it again.) One way or another, you need a copy of this edition of this textbook.

I also have some lecture notes, handouts, links, and so forth. Many of these will be part of the assigned reading, so let me know if you have any difficulty accessing them.

That's it!
This web page and the files linked from it (except for the official syllabus) were written between 2003 and 2017 by Toby Bartels, last edited on 2017 December 11. Toby reserves no legal rights to them.

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