Detailed solution to Problem Set 15 Exercise 7

Find d(4 + 4/x).
You can use the Quotient Rule (d(u/v) = (v du − u dv)/v2): d(4 + 4/x) = d(4/x) = (x d(4) − 4 dx)/x2 = (x ⋅ 0 − 4 dx)/x2 = −4 dx/x2, which you can write as (−4/x2) dx or −4x−2 dx if you want.
Or you can avoid the Quotient Rule by treating 4/x as 4x−1: d(4 + 4x−1) = d(4x−1) = 4 d(x−1) = 4(−1x−1−1 dx) = −4x−2 dx, which you can write as (−4/x2) dx or −4 dx/x2 if you want.
Or you can use the relatively obscure Reciprocal Rule (d(/u) = −du/u2, where /a indicates the reciprocal of a so that b/a can be read as b ⋅ /a): d(4 + 4/x) = d(4/x) = 4 d(/x) = 4(−dx/x2) = −4 dx/x2, which again you can write as (−4/x2) dx or −4x−2 dx if you want.

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