
Welcome to the permanent home page for Section ES31 of MATH-2200 (Differential Equations) at Southeast Community College in the Spring term of 2021. I am Toby Bartels, the instructor.

Course administration

Contact information


The official textbook for the course is the 11th Edition of A First Course in Differential Equations with Modeling Applications by Dennis Zill published by Cengage.


  1. Introduction:
  2. Initial examples:
  3. Solution curves:
  4. First-order linear equations:
  5. Numerical solutions:
  6. Models:
Quiz 1, covering the material in Problem Sets 1–6, is on February 18 Thursday.

Linear equations

  1. Higher-order equations:
  2. Reduction of order:
  3. Homogeneous equations:
  4. Undetermined coefficients:
  5. Variation of parameters:
  6. Cauchy–Euler equations:
  7. Applications:
Quiz 2, covering the material in Problem Sets 7–13, is on February 23 Tuesday.

The Laplace transform

  1. The Laplace transform:
  2. Using the Laplace transform:
  3. Translations:
  4. Convolution:
  5. Integral equations:
  6. Systems of equations:
  7. Linear systems of equations:
  8. Solving systems of equations:
Quiz 3, covering the material in Problem Sets 14–21, is on April 27 Tuesday.


  1. Basics:
  2. Linear equations:
  3. The Laplace transform:

Final exam

The comprehensive final exam is on May 6 Thursday, in our normal classroom at the normal time but lasting until 12:40. (You can also arrange to take it at a different time from April 30 to May 6.) To speed up grading at the end of the term, the exam will be multiple choice, with no partial credit.

For the exam, you may use one sheet of notes that you wrote yourself; please take a scan or a picture of this (both sides) and submit it on Canvas. However, you may not use your book or anything else not written by you. You certainly should not talk to other people! Calculators are allowed, although you shouldn't really need one, but not communication devices (like cell phones).

The exam consists of questions similar in style and content to those in the practice final exam (DjVu).

This web page and the files linked from it were written by Toby Bartels, last edited on 2021 August 27. Toby reserves no legal rights to them.

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