CS prerequisites

Here is a C function that calculates the Gregorian Easter. It's all right if you can't tell exactly what's going on, but please let me know if it looks like complete nonsense to you!
int Easter (int year) {
  int century;
  int skipped;
  int golden;
  int correction;
  int epact;
  int Paschal;
  int Sunday;
  int date;
  century = year / 100 + 1;
  skipped = 3 * century / 4;
  golden = year % 19 + 1;
  correction = (8 * century + 5) / 25;
  epact = (11 * golden + correction - skipped + 26) % 30 + 1;
  Paschal = 44 - epact;
  if (Paschal < 21) {
    Paschal += 30;}
  if (Paschal == 50 || Paschal == 49 && golden > 11) {
    Paschal --;}
  Sunday = 5 - (5 * year / 4 - skipped);
  date = Paschal + 7 - (Paschal - Sunday) % 7;
  return date;}

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