MATH 149 C

This is my web page for MATH 149 C at the University of California, Riverside, in the spring term of 2005. I am Toby Bartels, the teaching assistant. You can email me at The discussion meets in Statistics 2674 on Tuesday afternoons from 5:10 to 6:00. My office hours are in Surge 263, on Wednesdays from 11:40 to 1:00 and on Thursdays from 11:10 to 12:30. You can also meet with me by appointment.

This web site is for my worked solutions to the homework problems and the quizzes. Please note that I don't grade the homework, but I do grade (and write) the quizzes. (I also grade the exams to begin with, although Dr. Rao looks at them afterwards and may change the grades.)


Here are the quizzes that I gave, with my solutions.

April 5: (I never gave this quiz, but you can look at it anyway.)

April 12:

May 3:

May 24:


Here are my solutions to the homework assigned by Dr. Rao.

Due April 4:

Due April 13:

Due April 20:

Due April 27:

Due May 11:

Due May 18:

Due May 25:

Due June 1:


The study session for the midterm was in Humanities 1502 on April 28 Thursday evening from 5:10 to 8:00. Here are my solutions:


The study session for the final will be in Humanities 1407 on June 6 Monday evening from 6:10 to 9:00. We may not be able to get into the room right away. In theory, there is a final scheduled in that room until 6:00, and we cannot officially book the room until 7:00; so if that final goes overtime, then we will have to wait. However, the class scheduled to have that room is a graduate seminar, so I strongly doubt that there will be actualy be any conflicting exam. So we'll probably be able to get into the room right away.
This web page was written in 2005 by Toby Bartels. Toby reserves no legal rights to it.

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