Welcome to the permanent home page
for Section LN01
of MATH-2200 (Differential Equations)
at Southeast Community College
in the Spring semester of 2025.
I am Toby Bartels, your instructor.
Course administration
- Canvas
(where you must log in).
- Help with DjVu
(if you have trouble reading the DjVu files on this page).
- Official syllabus (DjVu).
- Course policies (DjVu).
- Class hours:
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00 PM to 5:20 in room U6.
- Final exam:
May 13 Tuesday from 4:00 PM to 5:40 in room U6
(or by appointment).
Contact information
Feel free to send a message at any time,
even nights and weekends (although I'll be slower to respond then).
The official textbook for the course
is the 6th Edition
of Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems:
Computing and Modeling
by Edwards, Penney, et al and published by Pearson.
You automatically get an online version of this textbook through Canvas,
although you can use a print version instead if you like.
This comes with access to Pearson MyLab, integrated into Canvas,
on which many of the assignments appear.
Try to read this introduction before the first day of class:
- Objective: Understand what to expect from this course.
- Reading from my notes:
The course policies (DjVu, same as above).
- Exercises from the textbook
due on January 23 Thursday or ASAP thereafter
(submit these through MyLab in the Next assignment):
O.1.1, O.1.2, O.1.3, O.1.4, O.1.5, O.1.6,
O.1.7, O.1.8, O.1.10, O.1.11, O.1.12.
- Introduction:
- Objectives:
- Identify differential equations;
- Identify the order of a differential equation;
- Identify when a differential equation is linear;
- Identify initial-value problems;
- Test a solution
of differential equation or initial-value problem.
- Reading from the textbook: Section 1.1.
- Exercises due on January 23 Thursday
(submit these in class or here on Canvas):
Fill in the blanks with vocabulary words:
- An equation with derivatives in it is called a(n) _____ equation.
- The highest derivative that appears in such an equation
is called the _____ of the equation.
- A differential equation together with an initial condition
is called a(n) _____ (this is a long one).
- Exercises from the textbook due on January 28 Tuesday
(submit these through MyLab in the Next assignment):
1.1.1, 1.1.3, 1.1.13, 1.1.15, 1.1.17, 1.1.19.
- Initial examples:
- Objectives:
- Solve a differential equation by integration;
- Solve an initial-value problem by integration;
- Identify and solve a separable differential equation;
- Solve an initial-value problem
given the general solution to its differential equation.
- Reading from the textbook: Section 1.2, Section 1.4.
- Exercises due on January 28 Tuesday
(submit these in class or here on Canvas):
Fill in the blanks with adjectives:
- The general solution of
dy/dx = f(x)
gives y as
the _____ integral of f(x) with respect to x.
- A differential equation of the form
dy/dx = g(x) k(y)
is called _____.
- If dx/dt = kx
for some positive constant k,
then x is undergoing _____ growth (relative to t).
- Exercises from the textbook due on January 30 Thursday
(submit these through MyLab in the Next assignment):
1.2.1, 1.2.4, 1.2.11, 1.2.15, 1.2.17, 1.2.25, 1.2.29, 1.4.1, 1.4.4, 1.4.9,
1.4.13, 1.4.17, 1.4.19, 1.4.22, 1.4.25, 1.4.29, 1.4.33, 1.4.35.
- Solution curves:
- Objectives:
- Sketch the slope field of an explicit differential equation;
- Sketch solution curves of a differential equation;
- Understand when the Picard–Lindelöf Theorem guarantees
the existence of a unique solution to an initial-value problem.
- Reading from the textbook: Section 1.3.
- Exercises due on January 30 Thursday
(submit these in class or here on Canvas):
Consider a differential equation of the form
dy/dx = f(x, y).
- In forming a slope field for this differential equation,
the slope through the point (a, b) on the graph
should be _____.
(Give a formula involving the data in the question,
such as x, y, f, a, and/or b.)
- To guarantee that there is a unique solution
with the initial value
that y = b when x = a,
at least for x in some in interval around a,
which of the following should be continuous
for (x, y)
in some rectangle around (a, b)?
(Say Yes or No to each.)
- f(x, y);
- D1f(x, y);
- D2f(x, y).
Dkf gives
the partial derivative of the output of f
with respect to the k-th input,
keeping the other inputs fixed.
For example,
if f(x, y) =
then D1f(x, y) =
∂(x2y3)/∂x =
while D2f(x, y) =
∂(x2y3)/∂y =
- Exercises from the textbook due on February 4 Tuesday
(submit these through MyLab in the Next assignment):
1.3.2, 1.3.3, 1.3.5, 1.3.7, 1.3.11, 1.3.13,
1.3.18, 1.3.22, 1.3.27.
- Numerical solutions:
- Objectives:
- Approximate solutions to differential equations
using Euler's method;
- Approximate solutions to differential equations
using the improved (back-and-forth) Euler's method.
- Reading from the textbook: Section 2.4, Section 2.5.
- Exercises due on February 4 Tuesday
(submit these in class or here on Canvas):
Consider the initial-value problem
dy/dx = f(x, y),
with y = y0
when x = x0.
- If you approximate
the solution to this problem using Euler's method with step size h,
so that xn =
x0 + nh,
what is the recursive formula
for the corresponding approximate solutions yn?
(Use only f, h, values of x,
and/or previous values of y.)
- If you approximate
the solution to this problem
using the improved Euler's method with step size h,
what are the recursive formulas
for the predictors un
and the the corresponding approximate solutions yn?
(Use only f, h, values of x,
and/or previous values of u and/or y.)
- Exercises from the textbook due on February 6 Thursday
(submit these through MyLab in the Next assignment):
2.4.1, 2.4.5, 2.4.7, 2.5.1, 2.5.5, 2.5.7, 2.5.9.
- Exact and linear first-order equations:
- Objectives:
- Identify exact differential equations;
- Solve exact differential equations and initial-value problems;
- Identify linear first-order differential equations;
- Solve
linear first-order differential equations and initial-value problems;
- Express
the solutions
to linear first-order differential equations and initial-value problems
as integrals.
- Reading from the textbook:
Section 1.6 "Exact Differential Equations" (near the middle), Section 1.5.
- Exercises due on February 6 Thursday
(submit these in class or here on Canvas):
- Given a differential equation
M(x, y) +
N(x, y) dy/dx =
what relationship has to hold
between the partial derivatives of M and N,
for this to be an exact equation?
- Given a differential equation
dy/dx + P(x) y =
what integrating factor should we multiply this by in order to solve it?
(This will make it into an exact equation.)
- Exercises from the textbook due on February 11 Tuesday
(submit these through MyLab in the Next assignment):
1.6.31, 1.6.35, 1.6.37, 1.5.6, 1.5.15, 1.5.24, 1.5.27.
- Substitution methods:
- Objectives:
- Use substitution to solve homogeneous differential equations;
- Use substitution to solve Bernoulli differential equations;
- Use substitution to solve
second-order differential equations
with no undifferentiated term.
- Reading from the textbook: the rest of Section 1.6.
- Exercises due on February 11 Tuesday
(submit these in class or here on Canvas):
- Given a differential equation
P(x, y) dy/dx =
Q(x, y),
where P and Q are homogeneous functions with the same degree,
what substitution will transform this into a separable equation?
- Given a differential equation
dy/dx + P(x) y =
Q(x) yn,
what substitution will transform this into a linear equation?
- Given a second-order differential equation
for y as a function of x,
if y does not appear undifferentiated in the equation,
then what substitution
will transform this into a first-order equation?
- Exercises from the textbook due on February 13 Thursday
(submit these through MyLab in the Next assignment):
1.6.1, 1.6.3, 1.6.12, 1.6.19, 1.6.23, 1.6.27,
1.6.46, 1.6.47, 1.6.59.
Quiz 1, covering the material in Problem Sets 1–6,
is on February 18 Tuesday.
Linear equations
- Second-order linear equations:
- Objectives:
- Identify second-order homoegeneous-linear differential equations;
- Find the Wronskian of two differentiable functions;
- Determine whether
two functions on an interval are linearly independent;
- Find the general solution
of a second-order homogeneous-linear differential equation on an interval
given two linearly independent solutions;
- Find the solution of a second-order homogeneous-linear IVP
given two linearly independent solutions
of the corresponding differential equation;
- Find the general solution
of a second-order linear differential equation
with constant coefficients and distinct real eigenvalues.
- Reading from the textbook: Section 3.1.
- Exercises due on February 13 Thursday
(submit these in class or here on Canvas):
- Consider the differential equation
Dx2y +
p(x) Dxy +
q(x) y = 0
(where Dx is d/dx,
that is differentiation with respect to x),
and let I be an interval
on which p and q are both continuous.
Suppose that y = y1(x)
and y = y2(x)
are both solutions of this equation on (at least) I,
and neither y1 nor y2
is a constant multiple of the other.
What is the general solution of this differential equation on I?
- If y1 and y2
are two differentiable functions on some domain,
then what is their Wronskian?
(Express this using the two functions and/or their derivatives.)
- Suppose that λ = λ1
and λ = λ2
are distinct real solutions
of the equation
aλ2 +
bλ + c =
What is the general solution of the differential equation
aDx2y +
bDxy + c =
- Exercises from the textbook due on February 20 Thursday
(submit these through MyLab in the Next assignment):
3.1.23, 3.1.24, 3.1.1, 3.1.3, 3.1.9, 3.1.13,
3.1.33, 3.1.35, 3.1.37, 3.1.39.
- Homogeneous-linear equations:
- Objectives: TBA.
- Reading from the textbook:
Section 3.2 through "General Solutions", Section 3.3.
- Exercise due on February 20 Thursday
(submit this in class or here on Canvas):
Suppose that you have a homogeneous-linear ODE
with constant real coefficients,
for y as a function of x.
If the complex roots with multiplicity
of the ODE's characteristic polynomial
are 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3i, 3i, −3i,
−3i, 4 + 5i, and 4 − 5i,
then what is its general solution?
(Write this as a real-number function.)
- Exercises from the textbook due on February 25 Tuesday
(submit these through MyLab in the Next assignment):
3.2.1, 3.2.7, 3.2.13, 3.2.27, 3.2.33, 3.3.1, 3.3.8, 3.3.11,
3.3.13, 3.3.21, 3.3.23, 3.3.25, 3.3.31.
- Non-homogeneous equations:
- Objectives: TBA.
- Reading from the textbook:
Section 3.2 "Nonhomogeneous Equations",
Section 3.5 through "The Case of Duplication" (3 pages).
- Exercise due on February 25 Tuesday
(submit this in class or here on Canvas):
Suppose that you have a differential equation of the form
Ly = f(x),
where L is
a homogeneous-linear differential operator in x of degree n.
If the general solution of the equation Ly = 0
is y = yc
(where yc is
a function of x and n arbitrary constants),
and y = yp
(where yp is a function of x)
is one particular solution of Ly = f(x),
then what is the general solution
of Ly = f(x)?
- Exercises from the textbook due on February 27 Thursday
(submit these through MyLab in the Next assignment):
3.2.23, 3.5.1, 3.5.2, 3.5.3, 3.5.4, 3.5.19,
3.5.31, 3.5.35, 3.5.37.
- Harmonic motion:
- Objectives: TBA.
- Reading from the textbook: Section 3.4, Section 3.6, Section 3.7.
- Exercises due on February 27 Thursday
(submit these in class or here on Canvas):
Consider the differential equation
Dt2x +
2pDtx +
ω02x =
where p ≥ 0 and ω0 > 0
are constants
and F is a continuous function,
describing the behaviour over time (measured by t)
of a physical system described by the quantity x.
Fill in the following blanks with equations or inequalities
involving p, ω0, and/or F(t):
- The system is free if _____,
and forced if _____.
- The system is undamped if _____,
underdamped if _____,
critically damped if _____,
and overdamped if _____.
- Suppose that p = 0
and F has the form
F(t) =
F0 cos (ωt),
where F0 ≠ 0 and ω > 0
are constants
(so this answer might also refer to
F0 and/or ω,
but not p).
The system is in pure resonance if _____.
Exercises from the textbook due on March 4 Tuesday
(submit these through MyLab in the Next assignment):
3.4.3, 3.4.13, 3.4.15, 3.6.1, 3.6.7, 3.6.17,
3.7.3, 3.7.9, 3.7.17, 3.7.13.
Tricky examples:
- Objectives: TBA.
- Reading from the textbook:
Section 3.5 "Variation of parameters", Section 3.8.
- Exercises due on March 4 Tuesday
(submit these in class or here on Canvas):
- Suppose that you have a monic second-order linear ODE,
Dx2y +
p(x) Dxy +
q(x) y =
Suppose that you know the solutions
to the complementary homogeneous-linear equation
(with 0 on the right-hand side instead of f(x)),
so yc =
c1 y1(x) +
c2 y2(x).
Express the general solution of the original equation
using integrals involving the functions
f, y1, and/or y2.
- Recall that the initial-value problem
Dx2y =
F(x, y, Dxy),
with y = y0
and Dxy = y1
when x = x0,
always has a unique solution for y as a function of x,
at least for x in some interval,
as long as F is sufficiently differentiable.
Must the boundary-value problem
Dx2y =
F(x, y, Dxy),
with y = y0
when x = x0
and y = y1
when x = x1,
also have a unique solution for y as a function of x,
at least for x in some interval,
as long as F is sufficiently differentiable?
- Exercises from the textbook due on March 6 Thursday
(submit these through MyLab in the Next assignment):
3.5.53, 3.5.54, 3.8.3, 3.8.4.
Quiz 2, covering the material in Problem Sets 7–11,
is on March 20 Thursday.
Systems of equations and applications
- Systems of differential equations:
- Objectives: TBA.
- Reading from the textbook: Section 4.1.
- Exercises due on March 6 Thursday
(submit these in class or here on Canvas):
Suppose you have a system of 3 ordinary differential equations
in the 3 dependent variables x, y, and z
(in addition to the independent variable t),
of order 2 in x, order 3 in y, and order 4 in z,
and you convert this into a system of first-order equations.
- How many equations will be in the system of first-order equations?
- How many dependent variables will this new system have?
(Don't count the independent variable t.)
- If you can solve this system algebraically for the derivatives
and all of the fine print about differentiability is met,
then how many constants would you expect
in the general solution?
- Exercises from the textbook due on March 18 Tuesday
(submit these through MyLab in the Next assignment):
4.1.1, 4.1.3, 4.1.5, 4.1.7, 4.1.13.
- Solving systems by elimination:
- Objectives: TBA.
- Reading from the textbook: Section 4.2.
- Exercises due on March 18 Tuesday
(submit these in class or here on Canvas):
- If L1 and L2
are differential operators of the form
an(t) Dtn +
an−1(t) Dtn−1 +
⋯ +
a2(t) Dt2 +
a1(t) Dt +
then is it always true that
L1L2 =
- If L1 and L2
are differential operators of the form
anDtn +
an−1Dtn−1 +
⋯ +
a2Dt2 +
a1Dt + a0,
then is it always true that
L1L2 =
- Exercises from the textbook due on March 25 Tuesday
(submit these through MyLab in the Next assignment):
4.2.3, 4.2.5, 4.2.9, 4.2.11, 4.2.13, 4.2.15, 4.2.19, 4.2.32.
- Population models:
- Objectives: TBA.
- Reading from the textbook: Sections 2.1 and 2.2.
- Exercises due on March 25 Tuesday
(submit these in class or here on Canvas):
- If P represents population
and P approaches a constant value M
as the time t increases to infinity,
then M is called the _____ _____.
(There are two answers to this in the text; I'll accept either of them.)
- An equilibrium solution M
of a differential equation (or system of equations) is _____
if, for any non-equilibrium solution X
with an initial value sufficiently close to M,
X tends to M
as the independent variable t increases to ∞;
M is _____
if, for any non-equilibrium solution X
with an initial value sufficiently close to M,
X → M
as t → −∞.
- Exercises from the textbook due on March 27 Thursday
(submit these through MyLab in the Next assignment):
2.1.1, 2.1.5, 2.1.9, 2.1.17, 2.1.21,
2.1.23, 2.2.1, 2.2.5, 2.2.7.
- Autonomous systems:
- Objectives: TBA.
- Reading from the textbook:
Section 6.1;
Figure 5.3.16 from Section 5.3
following "A 3-Dimensional Example"
(ignore the discussion of matrices and vectors,
but see how the eigenvalues determine
the shape of the direction field for a linear autonomous system,
which are the same shapes
as those near the equilibrium solutions of a nonlinear autonomous system).
- Exercises due on March 27 Thursday
(submit these in class or here on Canvas):
Suppose that dx/dt =
F(x, y)
and dy/dt = G(x, y).
Fill in the blanks with vocabulary words or mathematical expressions:
- Since the independent variable t never appears in it directly,
this is a(n) _____ system of differential equations.
- Assume that F(a, b)
and G(a, b)
are not both 0.
In forming a direction field for this system of equations,
the slope of the arrow through the point (a, b)
should be ___ (or infinite if this does not exist).
- Now suppose that F(a, b) = 0
and G(a, b) = 0.
The solution (x, y) = (a, b)
is called a(n) _____ solution of the system.
- Exercises from the textbook due on April 1 Tuesday
(submit these through MyLab in the Next assignment):
6.1.2, 6.1.5, 6.1.7, 6.1.9, 6.1.23, 6.1.25.
- Linearization of nonlinear systems:
- Objectives: TBA.
- Reading from the textbook:
Section 6.2.
(Note that the eigenvalues that they are referring to here,
when discussing the methods of Chapter 5 that we didn't cover,
are the same as the eigenvalues of the second-order equations
that you get from solving these systems using the method of Section 4.2.)
- Exercises due on April 1 Tuesday
(submit these in class or here on Canvas):
Suppose that you have
an autonomous system of two first-order differential equations
with an isolated critical point.
Consider the eigenvalues of the linearization near that critical point.
Identify whether
the equilibrium solution associated with that critical point
is stable or unstable
in the following situations:
- The eigenvalues are both positive.
- The eigenvalues are both negative.
- One eigenvalue is positive, and one is negative.
- The eigenvalues are imaginary with a positive real part.
- The eigenvalues are imaginary with a negative real part.
- Exercises from the textbook due on April 3 Thursday
(submit these through MyLab in the Next assignment):
6.2.2, 6.2.3, 6.2.7, 6.2.8, 6.2.10, 6.2.13, 6.2.15,
6.2.16, 6.2.17, 6.2.29, 6.2.31.
- Interacting population models:
- Objectives: TBA.
- Reading from the textbook: Section 6.3.
- Exercises due on April 3 Thursday
(submit these in class or here on Canvas):
Suppose that you have a system of equations:
dx/dt =
F(x) + axy
and dy/dt =
G(y) + bxy,
where t represents time,
x and y represent populations of two interacting species,
F and G are some functions
(describing how the populations would change
if the two species never interacted),
and a and b are some constants
(describing the effects when the two species interact).
- If a is positive and b is negative,
then which species (x or y) is the predator,
and which species (x or y) is the prey?
- If the two species are competitors of each other,
then will a and b be positive or negative?
- If the two species cooperate with each other,
then will a and b be positive or negative?
- Exercises from the textbook due on April 8 Tuesday
(submit these through MyLab in the Next assignment):
6.3.1, 6.3.27, 6.3.29, 6.3.31, 6.3.33.
Quiz 3, covering the material in Problem Sets 12–17,
is on April 15 Tuesday.
Laplace transforms
- Basic Laplace transforms:
- Objectives: TBA.
- Reading from the textbook: Section 7.1.
- Exercises due on April 8 Tuesday
(submit these in class or here on Canvas):
- Let f be a function defined on (at least) [0, ∞),
and let F be the Laplace transform of f (if it exists).
Write a formula for F(s)
as an integral involving f and s.
- Let a be a real number,
let f(t) be
eat for t ≥ 0,
and let F be the Laplace transform of f.
Write a formula for F(s)
involving s and a (without an explicit integral).
- In the previous question, what is the domain of F?
- Exercises from the textbook due on April 10 Thursday
(submit these through MyLab in the Next assignment):
7.1.3, 7.1.7, 7.1.13, 7.1.16, 7.1.19, 7.1.23, 7.1.27, 7.1.29.
- Solving equations with Laplace transforms:
- Objectives: TBA.
- Reading from the textbook: Section 7.2.
- Exercises due on April 10 Thursday
(submit these in class or here on Canvas):
- If f is
a differentiable function of exponential order on [0, ∞)
and the Laplace transform of f is F,
then what is
the Laplace transform of the derivative f′?
- If f is
a twice differentiable function on [0, ∞),
its derivative f′ has exponential order,
and the Laplace transform of f is F,
then what is
the Laplace transform of the second derivative f″?
- Put the following steps (which are listed alphabetically)
in the order in which you would apply them to solve an initial-value problem:
- Solve the equation algebraically;
- Take the inverse Laplace transform of both sides of the equation;
- Take the Laplace transform
of both sides of the equation.
- Exercises from the textbook due on April 17 Thursday
(submit these through MyLab in the Next assignment):
7.2.1, 7.2.3, 7.2.5, 7.2.8.
- Inverse transforms of translations:
- Objectives: TBA.
- Reading from the textbook: Section 7.3.
- Exercises due on April 17 Thursday
(submit these in class or here on Canvas):
Let f be a function defined on [0, ∞),
let F be the Laplace transform of f,
and let a be a real number.
- If g(t) =
whenever t ≥ 0,
then what is the Laplace transform of g?
- If G(s) = F(s + a)
whenever F is defined at s + a,
then what is the inverse Laplace transform of G?
Warning: Pay attention to the signs here!
- Exercises from the textbook due on April 22 Tuesday
(submit these through MyLab in the Next assignment):
7.3.1, 7.3.3, 7.3.7, 7.3.9, 7.3.13, 7.3.15,
7.3.19, 7.3.27, 7.3.31, 7.3.37.
- Convolution:
- Objectives: TBA.
- Reading from the textbook: Section 7.4.
- Exercises due on April 22 Tuesday
(submit these in class or here on Canvas):
Let f and g be
continuous functions defined on [0, ∞).
- Write a formula for the convolution f ∗ g
of f and g.
- If f and g have exponential order,
F is the Laplace transform of f,
and G is the Laplace transform of g,
then what is the Laplace transform of f ∗ g?
- If f has exponential order,
F is the Laplace transform of f,
and h(t) = t f(t)
whenever t ≥ 0,
then what is the Laplace transform of h?
- Exercises from the textbook due on April 24 Thursday
(submit these through MyLab in the Next assignment):
7.4.3, 7.4.5, 7.4.7, 7.4.15, 7.4.17, 7.4.19,
7.4.21, 7.4.24, 7.4.26, 7.4.29.
- Discontinuous and periodic forcing:
- Objectives: TBA.
- Reading from the textbook: Section 7.5.
- Exercises due on April 24 Thursday
(submit these in class or here on Canvas):
Let f be a continuous function defined on [0, ∞),
let F be the Laplace transform of f,
and let a be a positive real number.
- If g(t) =
ua(t) f(t − a)
whenever t ≥ 0,
where ua is the unit step function at a,
then what is the Laplace transform of g?
- If f is periodic with period a,
write F(s) for s > 0 as
an expression involving a bounded integral.
- Exercises from the textbook due on April 29 Tuesday
(submit these through MyLab in the Next assignment):
7.5.1, 7.5.3, 7.5.5, 7.5.11, 7.5.13, 7.5.21, 7.5.28, 7.5.33.
- Impulses:
- Objectives: TBA.
- Reading from the textbook: Section 7.6.
- Exercises due on April 29 Tuesday
(submit these in class or here on Canvas):
Let a be a positive number.
- What is the Laplace transform
of the delta function δa?
- Suppose that a system is undergoing free harmonic motion
as described by the differential equation
Dt2x +
2pDtx +
ω02x =
in appropriate units.
If the system receives an impulse of amount I at time a
(so that it is no longer free),
then what differential equation involving a delta function
does the entire system satisfy instead?
- Exercises from the textbook due on May 1 Thursday
(submit these through MyLab in the Next assignment):
7.6.3, 7.6.5, 7.6.7, 7.6.9, 7.6.11.
Quiz 4, covering the material in Problem Sets 18–23,
is on May 6 Tuesday.
- Basics:
- Review date: February 13&18.
- Date taken: February 18 Tuesday.
- Corresponding problems sets: 1–6.
- Help allowed: Your notes, calculator.
- NOT allowed:
Textbook, my notes, other people, websites, etc.
- Linear equations:
- Review date: March 18&20.
- Date taken: March 20 Thursday.
- Corresponding problems sets: 7–11.
- Help allowed: Your notes, calculator.
- NOT allowed:
Textbook, my notes, other people, websites, etc.
- Systems of equations and applications:
- Review date: April 10&15.
- Date taken: April 15 Tuesday.
- Corresponding problems sets: 12–17.
- Help allowed: Your notes, calculator.
- NOT allowed:
Textbook, my notes, other people, websites, etc.
- Laplace transforms:
- Review date: May 1&6.
- Date taken: May 6 Tuesday.
- Corresponding problems sets: 18–23.
- Help allowed:
Your notes, calculator, a table of Laplace transforms provided by me.
- NOT allowed:
Textbook, anything else from my notes,
other people, websites, etc.
Final exam
There is a comprehensive final exam on May 13 Tuesday,
in our normal classroom at the normal time
but lasting until 5:40 PM.
(You can also arrange to take it at a different time May 12–16.)
To speed up grading at the end of the semester,
the exam is multiple choice and filling in blanks, with no partial credit.
For the exam, you may use one sheet of notes that you wrote yourself.
However, you may not use your book or anything else not written by you.
You certainly should not talk to other people!
Calculators are allowed (although you shouldn't really need one),
but not communication devices (like cell phones).
The exam consists of questions
similar in style and content
to those in the practice exam (DjVu).
This web page and the files linked from it (except for the official syllabus)
were written by Toby Bartels, last edited on 2025 February 13.
Toby reserves no legal rights to them.
The permanent URI of this web page