Announcements are listed in reverse chronological order.
2006 August 3
Well, iLearn for some reason
doesn't allow students to access a course after the course ends,
even though it's still being graded.
(And why
you shouldn't be able to look it up when you're a hundred years old,
if you want to,
is beyond me.)
Fortunately, the only thing on there that isn't on my own course website
(which will exist forever if I have anything to say about it)
is your grades,
so I will email each of you all of your grades.
2006 August 1
The grades of every assignment are recorded and now available on iLearn.
(Let me know if you have trouble logging in.)
In a few minutes, the Homework "Total" will disappear
(although all of the individual Homework scores will remain).
Then a new "Weighted Total" will show up;
that is your final grade!
2006 July 27
The solutions to every homework assignment, as well as to the mock final,
are posted
on the homework page on the course website.
Remember that this morning's solution to question (6) on the mock final
was wrong;
the online version is correct.
I'll see you tomorrow at 10:30!
2006 July 26
- Mock final:
Please go the main course website (if you haven't already)
and print out the mock final
from about 2/3 of the way down the page (just above the grading scale).
I'll hand out answers to it tomorrow,
but you should try it tonight, so that you can ask questions about it.
- Homework due Monday or earlier:
I've handed out answers to this, so it's too late to be graded.
However, if you have something to show me,
then I can still make comments that might help you study.
- Homework due yesterday:
This is technically late already,
but I'll grade it if I have it by the time you come to class tomorrow.
I'll hand out solutions tomorrow in class.
- Homework due today:
I'll grade it if I have it by the time you come to class tomorrow.
I'll hand out solutions tomorrow in class.
- Homework due tomorrow:
This isn't due until the end of office hour tomorrow,
at 2:00 PM PDT.
I'll post the solutions online then (so you can use them to study),
so I won't accept this homework late.
- New projects:
I'll grade any projects handed in by the end of my office hour tomorrow.
If you hand in any after that (but it might be difficult to find me!),
then I'll grade them if I have time (I might not!).
- Old projects:
If I made comments about problems with citations,
then you might be able to improve your grade:
print out a page listing your references,
or write them by hand on your original project,
and turn that in tomorrow
with the copy that I handed back previously.
- Final exam:
According to university policy,
this must be taken at the officially scheduled time.
If you have a family crisis or something,
then tell me as soon as possible,
but I can't promise anything.
2006 July 17
The homework scores on iLearn
are now given as a numerical score rather than as a percentage,
so you can compare directly to what you got handed back.
(Be sure to tell me if something's recorded wrong!
I'll doublecheck from my own records, but the more checks, the better.)
Also, a new item "Total"
gives the current letter average of your homework scores only.
(I can't get the spreadsheet to average homework and projects properly
without putting in all of the relative percentages by hand,
so I'm not going to do that until the very end.)
Your project grades are recorded as separate letter grades.
(Remember that in the end, each project is worth 10%,
while the homeworks as a whole are worth 20%.)
And yes, the first project grade is finally up!
2006 July 5
I didn't quite have the new Project ready today,
but it's now posted online
Since the project won't be officially assigned until tomorrow (July 6 Thu),
it won't be officially due until July 13 Thursday.
2006 July 3
I've graded the first homework assignment
and put the scores up on iLearn,
so you can go there to test viewing your grades online.
(Note that I made one problem extra credit,
so don't get too excited if you have an A+;
it probably won't last, but who knows?)
2006 June 26
I'm Toby Bartels,
and I'm the instructor for MATH/CS 11 this term.
If you're reading this, then you're probably in the class.
The main web site for the course
so I encourage you to go over there and take a visit!
Go back to the MATH/CS 11 homepage.
This web page was written between 2003 and 2006 by Toby Bartels.
Toby reserves no legal rights to it.
The permanent URI of this web page